You will receive a tracking number when your order ships regardless of shipping method. It may take up to 48 hours to see your tracking data. Designed Technology is not liable for lost or stolen packages.
- How long does my order take to ship?
Our handling speed is 2-5 business days from time of order.
- How is my order packaged?
Your order is packaged in a discrete brown shipping box with a Bello branded seal.
- What carrier(s) do you ship with?
We ship with USPS, DHL, UPS, Canada Post, and FedEx Purolator depending on location.
- How much does shipping cost?
Shipping is free in the USA and Canada for orders >$99.
- Does Bello ship internationally?
If you don't see a confirmation email after placing your order, please check your Junk/Spam folder for an email from Designed Technology.